November 06, 2015

How to use mathematics while playing snooker (For beginners)

Maths is used in almost every sports. But to say that snooker is a very mathematical game, would be an understatement. For beginners, if you guys can come to grip with a few rudimentary mathematical principles, you can curtail hard work of many years down to merely a few months.

Cue-Ball Maths

For a moment consider your 3-dimensional cue-ball to be a 2-dimensional sphere. While making a shot assure that the radius of this sphere is the point from where your start marshaling your every shot. If you want to make a 'stun' shot you will be required to strike the cue-ball just below the radius of the sphere. If you want to hit a 'screw' shot you should hit the sphere near the lower circumference of the sphere. Finally for a 'follow' shot you should aim at the upper circumference of the sphere. For beginners, you guys can use a dotted cue-ball manufactured specifically for this purpose.

Bank Shots Maths

Have you ever seen a professional snooker player aim his forward before making a bank shot. Any guesses why he does this? Well this is where mathematics plays its role. When you are learning bank shots try to study the angles at work very closely. You can use a piece of thread to give you a rough idea and enable you to perfect the shot. 2-rail bank shots are easily to construct so you can start with them. Later on, you can move to 3-rail bank shots.

How Should I Approach A Shot When I A Being Snookered

The rule for these shots is opposite to bank shot. Contrary to bank shots, 3-rail snookered shots are actually easier to get out of as compared to 2-rail snookered shots. Mathematics applies here as well. Since 3-rail shots actually end up giving you a smaller angle to work with (after hitting the second rail), you can easily construct them. So when ever you are trying to make a snookered shot, try to find a 3-railed shot to improve your chances.


Remember this mathematical principle i.e probability. No matter what kind of shot you are playing, you should always keep probability in your mind. If you are playing a safe shot, consider whether it is probable that your opponent will make it.


You should have the requisite mathematical acumen to understand what will be the added up result of your current break. Such proactive addition will save you from the hassle of trying to make a hard shot. If you can win a frame by making only smaller numbers (say brown and blue), you should not try for larger numbers then.